Current & Upcoming Exhibits
The OCA GALLERY presents exhibitions throughout the year that showcase the work of Sonoma County fine artists. See our SCHEDULE of Invitational and Open juried exhibits in a broad-range of media. Visit our gallery Noon - 4pm, every Saturday and Sunday, and during performances in our auditorium & theater. VOTE on your favorite creation so we can honor participating artists at our ARTIST RECEPTION.
2025 OCA Gallery Exhibits
GALLERY HOURS: Sat. & Sun. Noon to 4pm and during performance events before seating and during intermission. Please visit our GALLERY GIFT SHOP where our member artists display both reproductions and original art for sale. All items created by our members - jewelry, ceramics, prints, silk scarves - ornaments!
Theater Poster in Collection of Raynetta James
Angela Davis by Nicholas Mancillas
Jan 11 - Feb 15: Get Up, Stand Up - Honoring Black History Month
Half of this show features the Black History collection of Raynetta James of Forestville. Because she lived through the Civil Rights movement that grew out of the 1940s into the 1950s, 60s and 70s, Raynetta was inspired to collect examples of the influence black people have on the history of the United States. From oppression through resistance using political and social will, the movement to end racial segregation and discrimination changed laws and practices for decades. This show enlightens, educates, and emotionally moves viewers with its impact.
Get Up - Stand Up: featuring OCA artists’ creations for our annual Black History Month show. Our ability to survive many times requires us to raise our voices in order to raise awareness of our fight for recognition, respect, and basic human rights…to STAND UP for what we know is right. This exhibit is a wide-ranging collection of two and three-dimensional creations by OCA members.
People’s Choice Award. Winning artists for Best of Show and Honorable Mention will be announced at our ARTIST RECEPTION on February 2nd from 2 - 4pm. Please join us for Refreshments starting at 2pm. Awards announced at 3pm.
Entry date for art is Tuesday prior to exhibit start. Click here for entry information.
* OCA Members receive discounted entry fees - you can become a member on day of entry
** OPEN to any Sonoma County artist - member or not!
*** Private Show
OCA Gallery Shows in 2025:
Jan 11 – Feb. 15: Black History: “Get Up, Stand Up” **
Artist Reception: Feb 2nd, 2 ~ 4pm
Feb 22 – Mar 29: Figure Drawing Group: “A Body of Work” ***
Entry deadline: Feb 18
Artist Reception: Mar 8
Apr 5 – May 10: “Four Elements” **
Entry deadline: Apr 1
Artist Reception: April 19
May 17 – June 21: Silver Linings/Watercolor: “Spring Forward” ***
Entry deadline: May 13
Artist Reception: May 31
June 28 – Aug 2: “Resilience” **
Entry deadline: Jun 24
Artist Reception: July12
Aug 9 – Sep13: Pointless Sisters ***
Entry deadline: Aug 5
Artist Reception: Aug 23
Sep 20 – Oct 25 “Spellbound” **
Entry deadline: Sep 16
Artist Reception: Oct 4
Nov 1 – Dec 21: Annual Members’ Exhibit - all media*
Entry deadline: Oct 28
Artist Reception: Nov 15
OCA’s Gallery will be CLOSED from Dec. 22 through January, 10, 2026
Imaginative Eye - A Special Exhibit of Theatrical Puppets
Imaginative Eye - A Special Exhibit of Theatrical Puppets
For over fifty years, Elizabeth Fuller and Conrad Bishop have presented stage performances of Shakespeare and other plays performed by their unique, nearly life-sized puppets. They have generously donated part of their puppet collection to OCA. The puppets will be displayed and offered for sale in the gallery and lobby throughout the month of May, with a gala reception on May 18th, 1-3, at which Conrad and Elizabeth will talk about making the puppets and demonstrate performing with them.
Visit our gallery Saturdays and Sundays 12-4 PM or during intermission at our live events.
Oct. 21 - Nov. 26: “Falling” ARTIST RECEPTION Nov. 4, 2023, 2 - 4pm. People’s Choice Award announced at 3:30pm
Yellow House Garden I by Lynn Zachreson - Watercolor - $250.
"Owls" by The Sonoma 5 Artist Collective
“Owls” Exhibit September 2 - October 15, 2023
Don’t miss this special exhibit entitled “Owls” presented by local artists The Sonoma 5 Artist Collective! Featuring artists Omar Mueller, Charlie Pendergast, Tamsin Smith, Walt Morton and Jane Manning. Exhibit is open to the public Saturdays and Sundays 12-4 PM, and to audiences during OCA events.
BELOW is a sample of artists’ creations.
OCA Members' Exhibit
OCA Members Exhibit - August 5 - 27, 2023
OCA members share their creations in a variety of media. Our community is absolutely bursting with talent and creative expression - come enjoy what they have to share in our Annual Members’ Exhibit!
A reception with the artists was held on Saturday, August 19th from 2-4 PM, where visitors to the gallery voted for our the People's Choice Awards. SEE BELOW. Please visit the gallery to see all 59 works of art in a broad spectrum of media and genres.
Pointless Sisters Quilt Exhibit
Pointless Sisters Quilt Exhibit June 4 - July 30, 2023
The Pointless Sisters Art Quilt Group returns for their annual exhibit of exquisite creations. The exhibit opens on Sunday, June 4th and runs through Sunday, July 30th. Our Gallery is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 12-4 PM, and during intermission at our events. A reception with the artists will be held on Saturday, June 24th from 2-4 PM.
Silver Linings II
Silver Linings II is an art exhibit of active senior’s creative art works of all media. Most of these have been made in the older adult program classes through the Santa Rosa JC. There are artists of all levels in this group, from professionals to beginners including works of the instructors. The show runs from April 1 through April 30 with a reception with the artists April 15, 2-4pm. For more information about these art classes see
JOIN US for Reception with the artists Saturday, April 15, 2-4 PM. People’s Choice Awards will be presented to the winning artists. Snacks & Beverages served.
“We’ve Come a Long Way” Women’s History Month Exhibit
OCA is proud to present an all media exhibition of works by Sonoma County artists honoring women’s struggles, perseverance and achievements throughout time.
A reception with the artists will be held on Saturday, March 18th from 2-4 PM. People’s Choice Awards will be presented during the reception.
Artists in this exhibit:
Ceylan Crow
Saroj Heron
John James
Sharon Cahn
Nancy Kees Dunn
Judith Kinsey
Di Starr
Vesta Copestakes
Jessica Morell
“Body Language” Figure Drawing Exhibit
OCA is proud to present an all new exhibition of Figure Drawings!
This exhibit includes a variety of media from our incredibly talented Sonoma County artists.
A reception with the artists will be held on Saturday February 18th from 2-4 PM. People’s Choice Award will be presented at that time. Visit our gallery on Saturdays or Sundays 12-4 PM and during event intermissions to cast your vote for the winning entry!
"Glitter, Glitz & Glamour" Exhibit
“Glitter, Glitz and Glamour” Exhibition
Get ready for a sparkly, glamorous exhibit of works by Sonoma County artists!
This is an all-media exhibit. Our gallery is open from 12-4 on Saturdays and Sundays. This exhibition runs December 10, 2022 through Jan. 29. 2023.
Congratulations to Omar Mueller, Winner of the People’s Choice Award! Pictured below is his painting, “Valentina”, with the model.
FANTASY - Artists Reception - People's Choice Award
“Fanta Sea” by Sharon Cahn - acrylic on canvas
"Fantasy" Exhibit
“From the Fall of Atlantis to New Earth” by Judith Nasse - Altered book sculpture
Members' Exhibit
Members, show us your artwork!
OCA members present a diverse exhibit with a variety of media.
To enter this exhibit, you must be an OCA Member. Read more about becoming a member or complete our application online.
A reception with the artists will be held on Saturday August 20th from 2-4 PM. People’s Choice Award winners will be announced during the reception. Visit the gallery before August 20th to vote for your favorite entry!
Pointless Sisters' Annual Quilt Exhibit
OCA Gallery Proudly Presents
Pointless Sisters ~ Quilt Exhibition
June 4 - July 31, 2022
Open Sat/Sun 12-4 PM and during events
Open Reception Saturday June 25th 2-4 PM
Once again, a spectacular collection of contemporary art quilts! This renowned Sonoma County-based group, uses traditional and novel techniques to lovingly create one-of-a-kind fabric art masterpieces. The colors, the designs, the impact are unforgettable. This year’s challenges: ‘Music’ and ‘Bugs’. Plus more!
Win this quilt! Learn about our raffle fundraiser.
Figure Drawing Exhibit
OCA’s Figure Drawing artists share their latest works in this diverse exhibit! Enjoy work in a variety of media presented by our Figure Drawing Groups.
The art gallery is open to the public on Saturdays and Sundays from Noon to 4 pm, and during intermission at OCA events.
A reception with the artists will be held on Saturday, May 14th from 2-4 PM. People’s Choice Awards will be presented at 3:30 PM on 5/14/22. Visit the gallery before then to cast your vote!
Artists in this exhibit:
Andy Rangel
David R. Brown
Robin Allison
John James
David Waslh
Sonia Betts
Christopher Newhard
Saroj Heron
Rebecca Rubin
Kathy McKnight
Rob Cooper
Gerald Dixon
Diane Knopf
Gail Foulkes
Laura Williams
Phil Salyer
Deborah Cushman
Amy Levine
Stanley Mouse
Branka Harris
Connie Bowen
Richard Wisinski
Additional details will be posted soon.
Salmon Creek School Student Exhibit
Students from Salmon Creek Charter School in Occidental share their latest artwork with the community. Visit our gallery on Saturdays and Sundays between Noon and 4 pm, and cast your vote for the People’s Choice Award! Winners announced during the artists reception on Saturday April 16th, 2-4 PM.
Additional details about this exhibit will be posted soon.
Works by Daniel Celidore
OCA Gallery presents works by multi-talented OCA member, musician and artist Daniel Celidore. The gallery is open on Saturdays and Sundays from Noon to 4 pm.
In addition to creating fine art, Daniel is an accomplished oboist and will be performing on Sunday March 20th as part of the “Winterlude” benefit concert at OCA.
This art exhibit includes works that inspired some of the music that will be performed during “Winterlude”. Two of the musical compositions written by Mazdak Khamda that will be performed during “Winterlude” were inspired by art pieces in this exhibit, “Andromeda Eyes”, and “Icon”.
Artist Statement:
Much of my art work was inspired by Islamic Art, its patterns and geometry.
Cathedrals were another inspiration, and the wallpaper of William Morris. I also adopted symbols in my art like the enneagram, representing process in time; the cross, representing the place where spirit and material meet, that is: humans, animals, plants, the dimension in which we live. There are leaf patterns and colors, masks representing human emotion, and patterns of abstracted wildlife such as paper cranes. There are other emergent geometrical shapes. I have translated my art into laser cut steel, paper, and aluminum prints, silk scarves and wall hangings, and designed sculptures that feature the patterns I have created.
Poet Neal Grace reflects on Daniel Celidore’s Artwork:
Daniel’s eclectic artistic styles are an experience to behold. Using various media, he captures a cosmic mystery and energy through a dazzling palette of colors and assorted sculptures that mirror the beauty in Nature. His profound works demand contemplation. They evoke emotions buried deep inside. The more we gaze up
Black History Month Exhibit
OCA is proud to present an all-media exhibit by Sonoma County artists, along with artwork created by the students of Salmon Creek School and a special private collection of artifacts and memorabilia.
A reception with the artists will be held on Saturday, February 19th from 2-4 PM. The “People’s Choice Awards” for best in show will be presented at 3:30 PM during the reception.
Visit our gallery before 3PM on 2/19 to cast your vote for best artwork!
Exhibit extended to January 30th!
Spirit has existed since the beginning of time, transcending all barriers and uniting everything. Manifesting itself in many ways, Spirit has commonly been defined as the force within a person or non-material essence that is believed to give the body life, energy, and power. Spirit is everywhere. Enjoy this exhibition of local artists’ expression of spirit!
This exhibit is open to the public on Saturdays and Sundays from 12-4 PM (closed for the holidays December 25, 26th and Jan 1,2 ). You can also visit the gallery during the intermission of our auditorium concerts.
Join us for the artists’ reception on Saturday, November 27th from 2-4 PM.
Artists in this exhibit:
Jenny Helbraun Abramson
Robin Allison
Beth Anderson
K. Albert Bellucci
Ariana Bloom
Gretchen Butler
Sharon Cahn
Vesta Copestakes
Nancy Kees Dunn
Lorelei Everhart
Patrick Fanning
Jemma Foster
Saroj Heron
Fred Jacobs
Judith Kinsey
Gail Mardfin
Diane Masura
Su McMurtry
Emilie Munsch
Chris Norberg
Tarah Nutter
Lesley Pickford
Phil Salyer
Eve Sheehan
Aaron Shook
Tim Stires
Rakshika Thakor
Chris Cheek: Transient Paintings, Sight Poems & Other Works
Occidental Center for the Arts Gallery presents the work of Sonoma County Artist Chris Cheek.
Years ago I was in Erongaricuaro Mexico, on a warm humid night, where colors have spiritual meaning passed down from the Aztecs, where plows are carved from tree branches in the field with machetes, where moths the size of birds fly after dark. I was listening to my professor, Ron Dahl read Garcia Lorca’s essay on the duende, and the duende spoke to me.
Garcia Lorca used the folkloric images of the angel, the muse, and the duende to explain the forces that compel the artist to create great work. The closest translation that I can come up with to the spirit of duende is an undefinable sense of “soul”.
Now, I still chase the duende as I work. It hides in common objects and dark corners, where it is easily dismissed as people go about their lives. I feed it metaphores and memories, and sometimes it chases me.
Very early on, I used unrelated images to create metaphore and symbolism. Later I began to add word imagery as I worked. I called these works “ sight poems”, in reference to the unexpected “twists” and surprises in sight gag cartoons.
The five “Transient Paintings” in the show are the most recent version of this. Initially, seemingly ordinary images, of rusting machinery are exposed by the ravings of the Transient, a madman and self-ordained prophet, to represent dismissal of truth, the distruction of our society. and the end of life as we know it. Further on, we follow stragglers, through nearly empty landscape, to a final ghost dance and an uncertain end in the final painting.
More so than other pieces in the show, these paintings insist upon the patient involvement of the viewer, as the full meaning of the tale is told in stamped copper, and references are carried back and forth from one painting to another.
You will find the rest of the gallery full of more “sight poems,’ pictures that tell stories and a tall tale or two from “Studio Large “S”. Enjoy the show!!
"A Place In The Woods" All Media Exhibit
Thirty Sonoma County artists presented works in a variety of media based on the theme “A Place In The Woods” for this exhibition. Gallery visitors were asked to vote in our People’s Choice Awards program to select the best in 2D and 3D submissions.
Nearly 200 gallery visitors participated in this exhibit’s People’s Choice Awards selection process to determine the winners shown above! Be sure to submit your vote next time you visit one of our themed exhibits in our gallery! Scroll down to see more amazing artwork from this exhibit.
Iva Hladis
Fred Jacobs
Judith Kinsey
Su McMurtry
Emilie Munsch
Annie Murphy Springer
Chris Norberg
Elizabeth Peyton
Lesley Pickford
Oak Reinier
Eve Sheehan
Carol Swanson
Ken Van Cleave
Artists in this exhibit:
Susan Amalia
Ken Bellucci
Gretchen Butler
Sharon Cahn
Christopher Cheek
Andrea Cleall
Vesta Copestakes
Ceylon Crow
Suzanne Deveuve
Roger Dixon
Linda Dunnivant
Debbie Ebling
Patrick Fanning
Elaine Greenwood
Jenny Helbraun Abramson
Carroll Hirsch
Pointless Sisters Art Quilt Exhibit (Invitational)
OCA is pleased to host the annual invitational art quilt exhibit by the unique Sonoma County fiber art group known as The Pointless Sisters ( The artist members use a variety of quilting techniques to produce innovative, often whimsical and beautiful non-traditional art quilts. There are more than 50 art quilts available for sale. OCA's Art Gallery is open Sat/Sun. from 12 noon - 4 pm. Private viewings can be arranged by request.
“Keep On Truckin” All Media Exhibit
All-media juried exhibit centered around the theme “Keep On Truckin”.
Salmon Creek Students Exhibit (Invitational)
The students of Salmon Creek School display their latest works.
Enjoy this exhibit from the comfort of your own home! Click to view on our YouTube channel now.